Sunday 13 April 2014

Top 5 Blogger SEO Tips in 2014 | SEO Tutorial

top blogger seo tips
SEO(Search Engine Optimization SEO) is a set of tactics that you must do to promote your blog on different search engines. Blogger SEO Tips are large in number but today I will share 5 most important SEO Tricks of 2014. You will find many Blogspot SEO techniques on different blogs and website but many of them are written in tough language which is difficult to understand. Blogspot being a free blogging platform is always preferred to start blogging and learn basics of blogging. These tips you must remember before starting any blogger blog and also during posting. By applying these Blogger SEO Tricks, I am sure you will get 100% more traffic from Search Engines. So today I am going to write an article about Top 5 Blogger SEO Tips in 2014.

1- Optimize Blogger Post Titles for Better Ranking:

Optimizing Post Title in Blogger Blog is like backbone of SEO. By default blogger blogs show post title after blog title in search engine due to which search engine is unable to rank your post in SERP. So follow these simple steps and optimize your Post Title for Better SEO.

  • Login to Blogger Dashboard.
  • Go to Template >> Edit HTML.
  • Search the code given below,

  •  Replace the above piece of coding with this one.

<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;’>
<title><data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

2- Enable Custom Robots Header Tags:

Follow these steps to enable Custom Robots Header Tags in Blogger Blogs.
  • Login to Blogger Dashboard.
  • Go to Settings >> Search Preferences.
  • Click on Enable and set it according to below given picture:


3- Adding Custom Robots.txt in Blogger:

Please carefully use this option because it can destroy your blog’s ranking in seconds. While, the correct usage of this option is beneficial for your blog. So, if you can’t use it correctly then don’t use it. To add a Custom Robots.txt file to your blog’s template just follow these steps:
  • Login to Blogger Dashboard.
  • Go to Settings >> Search Preferences.
  • Click on Enable and paste the following coding inside it.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

  •  Replace with your Blog URL.
  • Then Save this Robots.txt file.

4- Enable Meta Description & Post Search Description:

By default blogger blogs have dynamic Meta description for blog and its posts, but we can enable static Meta description for every blog post for better SEO. By enabling this option you will see Search Description box for each post in which you can give Meta Description for each post separately. Follow these steps to enable Meta Description.
  • Login to Blogger
  • Go To Settings >> Search Preferences >> Meta Tags >> Enable >> Yes
  • Write maximum of 150 letters Meta description
  • Then click on Save.


5- Optimize Heading in Blogger Bogs:

By default in older blogger templates and in some third party blogger templates, there is H3 HTML tag to the post title but for better SEO results we use H1 for blog’s title and H2 for post titles. Here are the steps to follow so we can promote the headings of post titles from H3 to H2.
  • Login to Blogger
  • Go to Template >> Edit HTML.
  • Search for H3 in your template.
  • Replace all H3 with H2 in your blogger template.
  • Then click on Save Template.

Congratulations: You have successfully applied Top 5 SEO Tips to your blog. I am sure this will boost up your organic traffic. Soon we will post more Blogger SEO techniques. Keep visiting our blog to stay updated. If you have any queries about this post then feel free to comment below. we will reply as soon as possible. Stay Blessed and happy Blogging :)
Allah Hafiz till next post.

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